How To Create Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2005/2000 Database In Helm 4 Control Panel? چاپ

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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database is available to our customers from 8/29/2009. Our Helm Control Panel does not support SQL Server 2008 right now. So you need to use the MS SQL Server 2005 icon in Helm (My Domains > > MS SQL Server 2005) to create SQL Server 2008 databases. All new domains and databases will be put in the new SQL 2008 Server automatically. But the old domains are still in our SQL 2005 servers. Please submit a support ticket if you want to switch from 2008 to 2005 for new domains or switch from 2005 to 2008 for old domains. We will do it for you manually.

You need to create your SQL Server database first before you start to use it. Please follow these steps.

1) Login to the Helm Control Panel You can find the control panel IP if your domain is not point to our DNS servers.
Login Helm

2) Click My Domains > and go into Domain Control Panel
Edit Domain

3) Click MS SQL Sevrer to create SQL Server 2000 database or MS SQL Server 2005 to create SQL Server 2008/2005 database. You may only see one icon for some plans.
Create Database 1

4) Create database
Create Database 2

5) Create database user (Please move the database name from Available Databases to Assigned Databases)
Create Database 3

6) Now the database and user are ready for you to use.
Create Database 4

7) You can get the Database connection string information by clicking the database name
Create Database 5

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